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My Spontaneous Trip to Barcelona!

I like to think I am quite spontaneous. I have been known to go to a festival on the day just because I saw the destination on the board of the train station I was at! But even for me, my trip to Barcelona was very spontaneous! I was living in London for the second time this year, staying at a hostel. Just being a job interview I was having lunch and just thought, you know what, I need a holiday!

I googled flights to Barcelona, found out that I could only afford a one way flight, and thought f*** it!! I booked the flight, cancelled the interview and 2 hours later I was at Gatwick airport! After a very heated phone call I ignored my parents texts/missed calls, only texting them again when I arrived at my hostel in Barcelona!

I can honestly say that this week was one of the best weeks of my life! I made so many friends from different countries around the world! I drank champagne on the beach, learnt a bit of the language and laughed so many times! Staying in a hostel is so much fun, but I even booked to stay on a boat through Air BnB which was amazing! Waking up and eating my breakfast looking out on to the marina is something I will never forget!

However, not everything was an enjoyable experience. I ended coming home earlier than intended because on my last night out, I got hassled by the drug dealers near the main street. I was minding my own business when a group of men came over to me and basically wanted sex. I thought I was going to be raped! I ran away, rang my parents and booked the next flight home!

It has not put me off travelling on my own but I will definitely be more careful next time I travel and make sure I do not go out on my own.

Anyways, enough of the negatives, I would recommend Barcelona to anyone who wants too visit a beautiful European city with a beach and it is very cheap. I bought a large glass of house white wine in a restaurant for €2!

Below is a list of all of the hostels I stayed at!

This was a great hostel right in the centre of town! It is very popular and also very secure! I would say this is the best hostel to stay at for the facilities and value for money!

Thank you for reading!


Lots of love Amber

Adios Amigos!

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